Tui Slater Conceptual Artist


Only We Can Cut The Crap 2007

Only We Can Cut the Crap Sculpture

Art Form Sculpture
Theme ---
Materials Dolls, pin, cotton, nylon, mother of pearl button, homespun wool, glass beads, nylon clay cutter, car pin striping, community newspaper, fabric embellisher
Size Approx H. 700mm but variable

There are many aspects in this work but one in particular questions the value placed on craft and art seen through our children's dreams of these found objects.

I believe we live in a class system and our society is responsible for the mess we play in. Is this a reflection on how society pigeon holes everyone within itself?

I have attempted to suspend these fashion models from our merry-go-round using them as pawns to cut the crap.

The nylon clay cutter is a cheap, simple tool, but which can be lethal too (I have a fear of nylon when wrapped around fingers and used to pull through clay, of it slicing my fingers). The fishing line has a breaking strain of 12lb and is green relating to clichés such as “the grass is always greener…” and “green symbolizing envy and jealously”. The nylon is also used and seen as a connecting element in this work.


Arnold Hauser (1892 - 1978) a Hungarian-born British writer wrote books on the history of art and looked at society and how art was formed in within the economic and political times of the day. I feel his writing on the Impressionist period is transferable to our creative time period.

Hauser: “The continual and increasingly rapid replacement of old articles in everyday use by new ones leads, however, to a diminished affection for material and soon also for intellectual possessions, too, and readjusts the speed at which philosophical and artistic revaluations occur to that of changing fashion. Modern technology thus introduces an unprecedented dynamism in the whole attitude to life and it is above all this new feeling of speed and change that finds expression in impressionism”.

(Hauser, A. Approx mid 1950's. The Social History of Art - Volume Four - Naturalism, Impressionism, The Film Age. Vintage Books, Random House Books, New York).

These models are floating in space, devoid of boundaries that might influence the next direction they go. The only obstacles in their way now are the invisible zephyrs that whisper pass them now and them, upsetting only their hairdos. Are they powerless to use their tools now? Do we have to step up to the mark and cut the crap instead?

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